I've been lurking and trying to follow understand X-Wings in the hope of solving the V.Hard puzzles but obviously I am not there yet
I would be grateful for a pointer to solving the following:
*4* **6 3**
*63 1** **8
58* 3** 7*6
2*6 *15 48*
1*7 *** 6**
8*4 6** 1*9
379 4*2 *61
428 *61 *3*
615 *** **4
As I understand them, I've located an X-wing in Rows 4 and 8 (7 at c4r4 and c9r4 matching with c4r8 and c9r8). Another is at Columns 3 and 8 (1 at c3r1 and c3r3 matching with c8r1 and c8r3).
But I can't get any further forward despite that
It seems likely that i am missing something obvious and will kick myself when the dawns!
Or is this an extra hard one which requires different concepts altogether?
Look forward to your input!