I couldn´t solve another EXTREMELY (!!!!!) EASY Sudoku. (difficulty very hard - # 649388):
- Code: Select all
|3 1 .|7 . .|6 2 .|
|7 . 5|. 3 .|8 . .|
|. 8 .|. . .|. . .|
|. . 9|. . 7|. . .|
|8 . .|9 . 6|. . 3|
|. . .|5 . .|4 . .|
|. . .|. . .|. 4 .|
|. . 3|. 9 .|7 . 5|
|. 9 6|. . 5|. 3 8|
This Sudoku has 28 clues, I could hardly find ANY hidden singles (only 27) - and I had to pencilmark 26 (!!!!!) cells:
- Code: Select all
|3.. 1... 4|7.. 5.. 8..|6.. 2 9..|
|7.. 6... 5|2.. 3.. 9..|8.. 1 4..|
|9.. 8... 2|146 146 14.|3.. 5 7..|
|246 2345 9|134 124 7..|125 8 126|
|8.. 245. 1|9.. 24. 6..|25. 7 3..|
|26. 23.. 7|5.. 8.. 123|4.. 9 126|
|5.. 7... 8|136 126 123|9.. 4 12.|
|124 24.. 3|8.. 9.. 124|7.. 6 5..|
|124 9... 6|14. 7.. 5..|12. 3 8..|
I couldn´t see ANY logical steps, even though there were so many cells, I had to pencilmark.
Any hints and tipps will be appreciated. Thanks in advance