Cenoman and
Hope I'm not stepping on any toes...
Cenoman wrote:XW(5)r59c19
Have you considered using the fish notation with the base and cover sets separated? It would make it much easier to see how the fish works, as well as the links in the chain. The above notation doesn't give any indication if it's a row-based or a column-based X-Wing. I might wrongly assume it's row-based if I didn't look at the grid or read the rest of the chain. On the other hand, the correct interpretation is obvious if you write it like this:
<5>c19\r59 (blue's style)
(5)C19\r59 (my style)
Now it's clear that any eliminations (or other weak linking) happen in the covering
rows. It doesn't even need the XW-prefix (though it doesn't hurt) because it's obviously a basic X-Wing (cc\rr).
Of course, X-Wings are trivial to see anyway, but something like this gets almost impossible to decipher without the fish notation:
ArkieTech wrote:[5r4c6=5c169b6r5679]-r5c5
The ordering of the base and cover sets is actually in the UFG style, but it's still extremely hard to read without the '\'. However, simply adding the '\' would actually make it slightly incorrect, as this strong link is not strictly speaking true (or complete):
(5)c169b6\r5679 = (5)r4c6 => -5 r5c5
The reason is that the fish includes an endofin, because r5c9 belongs to two base sets: c9 and b6. If that endofin is true, the fish isn't -- just like if the exofin r4c6 is true. (The problem would be more obvious if the endofin didn't see the elimination directly. Here it's kind of hidden, but it's there.) So, that case must be covered as well:
(5)c169b6\r5679 = (5)r4c6|r5c9 => -5 r5c5
...which is the same as this:
blue wrote:[ Finned Franken Jellyfish: <5>c169b6\r5679 with fin at r4c6 and endofin at r5c9 ] => -5r5c5
Or as an ObiFish:
4x6-ObiFish: (5)C169B6\r679[r55b5] => -5 r5c5
Again, if one wants to get rid of the endofin / duplicate sector, Obi's arithmagic works:
- Code: Select all
c169b6 \ r55679b5 +r4
r4c169b6 \ r455679b5 r456 -> b456
r4c169b6 \ r579b4556 -b6
r4c169 \ r579b455 +c45
r4c14569 \ r579c45b455 c456 -> b258
r4c19b258 \ r579c45b455 -b5
r4c19b28 \ r579c45b45
Mutant 5x7-ObiFish: (5)R4C19B28\r79c4b4[r5c5b5] => -5 r5c5
(which happens to be the same as the translation for my own second fish in the previous post, even though the starting fish is different -- in other words, they're equivalent)
Finned Mutant Squirmbag (5)r4c19b28\r579c4b4 f:r1c5,r4c6 => -5 r5c5