There are four different ways to attack candidate 6 (marked red) in r5c6. The eliminations are chained up with weak links provided by 4 (marked green) in box 5. Any of the four four in box 5 is true, the three others is forced to be false. Then comes the Almosts.
-If the candidate 4 in r6c6 is false, then the classic Almost Locked Set (orange candidates) in c6 kills the red 6.
-If the candidate 4 in r4c5 is false, then trough the inference chain of 4 (ends up in the bivalue cell in r3c9), the candidate 6 (marked cyan) in r3c9 cannot be true, so the Almost X-Wing (r15c29, marked cyan) become repaired, kills the red 6.
-If the candidate 4 in r4c6 is false, then it repairs the Almost XYZ-wing (marked yellow) killing the red 6.
-If the candidate 4 in r4c4 is false, trough the short inference chain (ends up with the bivalue cell in r2c4), the 6 in r2c4 cannot be true, what repairs the Almost X-Chain (marked purple), what kills the red 6.
Almost everything can be Almosted, I suppose, and these Almost patterns can be chained up with anything.