That specific rule precedes my rules. As I carried it from the pure x-wings by Oceanronk wrote:(Yes, I know you're using tarek's rules.)
81-character_line_puzzle,Poster(No other identifier)
1. Valid vanilla 9*9 sudoku
2. NEEDS a Jellyfish to solve after applying the following set of techniques:
2.1. Singles (Hidden/Naked)
2.2. Box-Line/Line-Box interactions
2.3. Subsets (doubles,triples,quads) (Hidden/Naked)
2.4. X-Wing
2.5. Swordfish
3. Solved using the following set of techniques:
3.1. Singles (Hidden/Naked)
3.2. Jellyfish (JF)
4. Jellyfish needed (Point 2) >= Jellyfish needed (Point 3), achieved electronically as:
4.1. batches of JF needed (Pont 2) >= batches of JF needed (Point 3)
4.2. (If 4.1. result is "=") Total Possible JF (Point 2) >= Total Possible JF (Point 3)
5. Symmetric (I-VII)
6. Symmetrically Minimal
7. NEEDS a Jellyfish to solve after applying the following set of techniques:
7.1. Singles (Hidden/Naked)
7.2. Box-Line/Line-Box interactions
7.3. Subsets (doubles,triples,quads) (Hidden/Naked)
7.4. X-Wing
7.5. Finned X-Wing (incl. Sashimi)
7.6. Simple Colouring
7.7. XYZ-Wing
7.8. XY-Wing
7.9. Swordfish
7.10. Finned Swordfish (incl. Sashimi)
7.11. Uniqueness (1-4)
7.12. Empty Rectangle
7.13. BUG+1
--Puzzles will be checked against the sequence of rules starting from 1 & ending at 7.
--Checking will stop when a puzzle fails to satisfy a ceratin rule.
--Each Puzzle will acquire a Score equal to the highest rule being checked against.
--if a puzzle passes all rules (1-7) then it will score an "8"
Score interpretaion:
Score = 1 ==> Invalid puzzle
Score = 2 ==> Requires other than a Jellyfish to solve
Score > 2 ==> Requires a Jellyfish to solve
Score > 3 ==> Pure Jellyfish (Pat's Extra Lenient criteria)
Score > 4 ==> Pure Jellyfish (Tarek's Lenient criteria but with Symmetry & Minimality not obligatory)
Score > 5 ==> Pure Jellyfish (Tarek's Lenient criteria with Minimality not obligatory)
Score > 6 ==> Pure Jellyfish (Tarek's Lenient criteria)
Score > 7 ==> Pure Jellyfish (Tarek's Rigorous criteria)
. . 3 | . . 4 | . . 9
. . . | . 7 . | . 5 .
2 . . | 6 . . | 8 . .
. . 9 | . . . | . . 4
. 4 . | . . . | . 3 .
8 . . | . . . | 7 . .
. . 4 | . . 3 | . . 2
. 2 . | . 6 . | . . .
7 . . | 8 . . | 6 . .
8 . 5 | . . . | 7 6 3
1 . 7 | 6 3 5 | 4 8 .
. 6 3 | . 7 8 | 5 . 1
7 3 8 | . 6 4 | 1 . 5
. 1 2 | 5 8 7 | 6 3 .
5 . 6 | 3 . . | . 7 .
2 8 . | 7 4 . | 3 5 6
3 7 4 | . 5 6 | 2 1 .
6 5 . | . . 3 | . 4 7
JPF wrote:My proposals (Patterns Game 007) :
[ 28 clues ].1.....2.34.....56...2.6.....76285.....5.7.....69342.....4.5...56.....84.7.....1.
The answer is 2 (manual check), you can't easily bypass them easily as the puzzle scores an 8 (Rigorous)5 posts above, I wrote:how many Jellyfish & how can you bypass them ???
| . . . | . . . | . . . |
| . . 1 | . . . | 2 . . |
| 3 4 . | . 5 . | . 6 7 |
| . . . | . . . | . . . |
| 1 5 . | 2 . 3 | . 7 8 |
| 8 3 . | . . . | . 4 1 |
| . . . | . . . | . . . |
| 4 2 . | 7 . 8 | . 5 6 |
| 7 1 . | . . . | . 8 3 |
Excellent Mauricio... Difficult to bypass that 3x4x4x4 JellyMauricio wrote:
- Code: Select all