Chain 1:
If R1C2 contains the value 9, then R9C5 cannot contain the value 3 (View 1):
(1) If R1C2 contains the value 9, then R1C2 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)
(2) If R1C2 contains the value 9 (initial assumption), then R3C1 cannot contain the value 9 (the value can occur only once in the block)
(3) If R3C1 does not contain the value 9, then R3C9 must contain the value 9 (only remaining possible position in the row)
(4) If R3C9 contains the value 9, then R3C9 cannot contain the value 6 (the cell can contain only one value)
(5) If R3C9 does not contain the value 6, then R3C3 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible position in the row)
(6) If R3C3 contains the value 6, then R2C2 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)
(7) If R1C2 contains the value 9 (initial assumption), then R1C2 cannot contain the value 6 (the cell can contain only one value)
(8) If R1C2 does not contain the value 6 and R2C2 does not contain the value 6 (6), then R8C2 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible position in the column)
(9) If R8C2 contains the value 6, then R8C2 cannot contain the value 5 (the cell can contain only one value)
(10) If R8C2 does not contain the value 5, then R8C5 must contain the value 5 (only remaining possible position in the row)
(11) If R8C5 contains the value 5, then R8C5 cannot contain the value 4 (the cell can contain only one value)
(12) If R8C5 does not contain the value 4, then R1C4 cannot contain the value 4 (Pointing: Cells R7C4,R8C4: 4 in block and column)
(13) If R1C4 does not contain the value 4 and R1C2 does not contain the value 8 (1), then R1C3 cannot contain the value 3 (Hidden Pair: Cells R1C3,R1C5: 4,8 in row)
(14) If R1C2 contains the value 9 (initial assumption), then R1C2 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)
(15) If R3C3 contains the value 6 (5), then R3C3 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)
(16) If R3C3 does not contain the value 3, R1C2 does not contain the value 3 (14) and R1C3 does not contain the value 3 (13), then R3C1 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the block)
(17) If R3C1 contains the value 3, then R3C5 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the row)
(18) If R1C4 does not contain the value 4 (12), then R1C5 cannot contain the value 3 (Hidden Pair: Cells R1C5,R2C5: 4,8 in block)
(19) If R8C5 contains the value 5 (10), then R8C5 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)
(20) If R8C5 does not contain the value 3, R1C5 does not contain the value 3 (18) and R3C5 does not contain the value 3 (17), then R9C5 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the column)
Chain 2: If R9C5 must contain the value 3, then R9C5 cannot contain the value 3 (View 2):
(1) If R1C2 contains the value 9, then R1C2 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)
(2) If R1C2 contains the value 9 (initial assumption), then R3C1 cannot contain the value 9 (the value can occur only once in the block)
(3) If R3C1 does not contain the value 9, then R3C9 must contain the value 9 (only remaining possible position in the row)
(4) If R3C9 contains the value 9, then R3C9 cannot contain the value 6 (the cell can contain only one value)
(5) If R3C9 does not contain the value 6, then R3C3 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible position in the row)
(6) If R3C3 contains the value 6, then R2C2 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)
(7) If R1C2 contains the value 9 (initial assumption), then R1C2 cannot contain the value 6 (the cell can contain only one value)
(8) If R1C2 does not contain the value 6 and R2C2 does not contain the value 6 (6), then R8C2 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible position in the column)
(9) If R8C2 contains the value 6, then R8C2 cannot contain the value 5 (the cell can contain only one value)
(10) If R8C2 does not contain the value 5, then R8C5 must contain the value 5 (only remaining possible position in the row)
(11) If R8C5 contains the value 5, then R8C5 cannot contain the value 4 (the cell can contain only one value)
(12) If R8C5 does not contain the value 4, then R1C4 cannot contain the value 4 (Pointing: Cells R7C4,R8C4: 4 in block and column)
(13) If R1C4 does not contain the value 4 and R1C2 does not contain the value 8 (1), then R1C3 cannot contain the value 3 (Hidden Pair: Cells R1C3,R1C5: 4,8 in row)
(14) If R3C3 contains the value 6 (5), then R3C3 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)
(15) If R1C2 contains the value 9 (initial assumption), then R1C2 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)
(16) If R8C2 contains the value 6 (8), then R8C2 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)
(17) If R8C2 does not contain the value 3 and R1C2 does not contain the value 3 (15), then R5C3 cannot contain the value 3 (Claiming: Cells R5C2,R6C2: 3 in column and block)
(18) If R8C2 does not contain the value 3 (16) and R1C2 does not contain the value 3 (15), then R6C3 cannot contain the value 3 (Claiming: Cells R5C2,R6C2: 3 in column and block)
(19) If R6C3 does not contain the value 3, R5C3 does not contain the value 3 (17), R3C3 does not contain the value 3 (14) and R1C3 does not contain the value 3 (13), then R9C3 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the column)
(20) If R9C3 contains the value 3, then R9C5 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the row)