Dont take this the wrong way: i presently agree with renaming to some degree as I've been discussing this with a contributor to my own solver rebuild as a Gui
as consistency with a more fluid synapse does make transparency clearer and easier to follow.
i am looking for people that want to build a Hodoku esq/inspired upgraded solver { Its uses AIC over nice-loops and slowly incorporates all modern tech + adds the projects he never got to finish {like the named aic/als wings in Java [ its built using maven/eclipse ]
come on board and help code techniques into it our end goals is to release it freeware just dm me and i i'll add you via Github.
its a ground up rebuild of my pascal code converted to java with a lot more readability into it.
Also, H1-Wing was sometimes used as a synonym for L2-Wing. The old H-Wing family was based on different logic, namely patterns of four cells, so it never played well with the other link-based one-letter wings.)
wasn't just that,
daily Sudoku forum developed the
l2-l3 wing wing independently, and had 3 separate equations for it for 2 and 3 digits, that part that's missing is the "Local" these wings where fixed to Bands or stacks at one point in time. these are the ones that really didn't play well with others, as none of the moves here had restrictions to stack or band. L1 wing never really seen anything formally documented/written about them but are surmised to be an x-chain of three nodes.
where the h-wing was here for types 1 - 6: it was based on linkage types of 3 Digits.
i dropped types 4-6 as they are ALS based over simpler strong link types
spaces list is also missing the iW wing {inverted w wing}
all the ring classes are never mentioned. {probably as the number of strong links change to close the loop +1 or +2 in w wing and iW wing case}
W-ring, iW- ring, XY - ring, or the ring classes within L123, and h123 wings
as these under the ordinal definitions have Ring classes
the unnamed types identified by space
Note 2: At least these unnamed configurations are also technically possible:
Code: Select all
VLL: (a=b) - b = b - b = b => -a (last), -b (first)
LLL: a = (a-b) = (b-a) = a => -a (common peers)
which belong to the lost wing types " Strong wing/ strong Ring" one of them belongs to the over defined w-wing where the bivalves are in the middle as an over defined Skyscraper. [ xsudo has these in it]
space tried to clean up the naming a bit via how the links operate with digits instead of equation based on structures viable for the digits count for the class {see the definitions below}
and tried to clean up names with the range of variability in Empty Rectangles as tower crane, loader crane instead of min /max then to my disagreement stuffed all named single digit stuff under "turbots subheading" when turbots are Nice-loops. not A.I.C where these are based out of.
- Code: Select all
H-Wings and L3-Wing use three candidate values:
L3-Wing: (X)a = (X - Y)b = (Y-Z)c = (Z)d "a" and "d" in same unit; a<>Z, d<>X
H1-Wing: same as L3-Wing
H2-Wing: (X=Y)a - (Y)b = (Y-Z)c = (Z)d "a" and "d" in same unit; a<>Z, d<>X
H3-Wing: (X=Y)a - (Y=Z)b - (Z)c = (Z)d "a" and "d" in same unit; a<>Z, d<>X
- Code: Select all
L2-Wing, M-Wing, S-Wing, and W-Wing use two candidate values:
M-Wing: (X=Y)a - (Y)b ... = (Y-X)c = (X)d strong link at weak inferences
gM-Wing: (X=Y)a - (Y)b ... = (Y-X)c = (X)d no constraint at weak inferences
=> elims for (X) in peers common to "a","d"
M-Ring: => continuous loop if "a","d" in same unit
W-Wing: (X=Y)a - (Y)b = (Y)c - (Y=X)d strong link at weak inferences
eW-Wing: (X=Y)a - (Y)b ... = (Y)c - (Y=X)d no constraint at weak inferences
=> elims for (X) in peers common to "a","d"
iW-Wing: (X)s = (X-Y)a = (Y)b - (Y)c = (Y-X)d = (X)t Inverted W-Wing (courtesy of Norm)
S-Wing: (X)a = (X)b - (X=Y)c - (Y)d = (Y)e "a" and "e" in same unit; a<>Y, e<>X
but not in the same cell -- else M-Ring
L2-Wing: (X)a = (X)b - (X)c = (X-Y)d = (Y)e "a" and "e" in same unit; a<>Y, e<>X
Have they been gathered together in a body of work?
quick link to the wing types S-Wing can loop, and both result in the same pattern (typically called M-Ring, though S-Ring would be just as correct).
S - wings
do not connect at the end points else its a M - RING : I've made that distinction in my posts on them.
hence the name "Split" wing.
where i chose a S name that characterized how to find them where S is for strmckr/ { 2 strong links splitting away from the bivalve}
I do get that they can technically occupy the same sector and share an overlap at the end points ie the end points lock to the overlap digits for a M ring type c elimination
besides when you go from Wing to Ring your adding 1-2 strong link which changes the (LLL) types to having extra V'Ls to form the loop.
which makes the S wing never be identified as a Ring as its can only have 3 strong-links and 2 weak-inferences