dobrichev wrote:blue wrote:The average distance is in the range 1.00417-1.00418
Once you have the tools, would you please check distance between the morphs of the same ED grid?
For a grid w/o nontrivial automorphism, does the average distance differ from grand average?
Is it similar for all grids?
The average distance between a random grid (with no non-trivial automorphism), and a random morph of the same grid, is 1.00463 ... slightly larger.
For 10 random grids, here are average distances to "the full field", "morphs only".
Sometimes one number is larger ... sometimes it's the other.
- Code: Select all
random morphs
519783246723641598486529137164958372258374961397162485645297813932816754871435629 : 1.00329, 1.00258
152896437796243851438571926967318245543927168281465379624789513379152684815634792 : 1.00385, 1.00364
583962174274531896961784235347816952812395467659427318735148629128659743496273581 : 1.00527, 1.00669
725496813613528947489713652596132478178964235342875196837649521254381769961257384 : 1.00312, 1.00249
976285143412367958385194627297436815564871392138529476849753261721648539653912784 : 1.00360, 1.00322
952673814614298573387145296168739425529481637473526189735862941291354768846917352 : 1.00544, 1.00711
543967812978241563612358974496125738857436291321789645239874156785613429164592387 : 1.00371, 1.00332
421653987593178624876294315317842596958736142642519873234985761185467239769321458 : 1.00517, 1.00660
751643982482597613936128475275486391693751248148239756569872134817364529324915867 : 1.00145, 1.00091
432657891789123654651489723865974132293518476174236985346895217917362548528741369 : 1.00489, 1.00584
averages : 1.00398, 1.00424
The #9 grid, with the small distances, only has 3 UA4's -- fewer than average, by far.
Is it relevant ? I couldn't say.