Thanks for the congratulations, Pyrrhon.
While many of the variants were not "new", the organizers did a good job of making them visually and intellectually appealing. The anti-knight sudoku had alls its givens shaped like a knight. The fortress (castle) sudoku had its darkened squares shaped like a castle/rook. That was the "chess" page of the championship, even if it wasn't official. Others were also really nice, including some noteworthy classics.
The organizers also ran two individual titles, one for classics and one for all sudoku, and I fortunately won both despite a real challenge in the classics championship. The classics title was mainly decided on this really, really tough puzzle that everyone on stage eventually tackled by bifurcation. While it is a bad competition puzzle (logic-based methods won't ever hit the 8 minutes I was done in), it is a tough one that members of this community may enjoy solving at a more recreational pace.
- Code: Select all
. . . | . . . | . . .
. 7 6 | 1 . 3 | 5 2 .
. 2 . | 7 . 6 | . 9 .
. 4 8 | 9 . 7 | 6 1 .
. . . | . . . | . . .
. 3 1 | 5 . 4 | 9 8 .
. 1 . | 3 . 9 | . 7 .
. 9 3 | 2 . 5 | 1 6 .
. . . | . . . | . . .