But, after a few weeks off, and looking over gsfs excellent work its clear that almost all 17s have at least one 17 within 4*.
But the new ones that Lars has posted are interesting
- Code: Select all
Why have we not found these ones before - after what has been now a large random "trawl" !

The way these 17s are/were generated is to do a -2+1 on an 18. But we havent found/used any of these [many] 16clue sub puzzles that are in Lars puzzles before.....because....they are unusual........
All Lars' puzzles have 1 empty row [edit - plus spaces in the above and below rows in rows 7,8,9] in 2 of the horizontal shutes - therefore all the 16 sub puzzles have these 2 empty rows. This might explain why we havnt found/used them before

I am doing a run on 21,20,19,->18s with this feature......this Im confident will throw out new 17s...[if there are any that is]