Red Ed wrote:Can you tell/remind us how your search works please?
It's a sort of local search.
Start with an initial puzzle, and then alter it slightly - maybe change a digit, or possibly make a digit equal to 0 while simultaneously making a 0 equal to another digit.
In string / code terms this means that I am looking at the 81-character strings that differ in either 1 or 2 positions from the original puzzle (i.e. have Hamming distance 1 or 2 to the original).
Then if we are lucky we get a new puzzle, in which case we add to the pile to be processed and continue...
[This seems similar to the 2-on/2-off thing though I haven't quite worked out what the terminology means]
But of course we are not usually lucky and so the whole process dies...
So what I do is to keep any pseudo-puzzle that has "few" completions (say less than 10 or maybe 20) hoping that a subsequent "move" from one of those will land us back onto a real puzzle with a unique completion...
The reason that Ocean's puzzles were "far away" from the other ones was that I had to permit an intermediate pseudo-puzzle with about 50 completions in order to "connect up" with the existing collection.
On a related note, I heard again (by sheer coincidence) from my Japanese correspondent (Noshita Kohei) who sent me a new batch of 204 new puzzles.
So we're closing in on 40000 more rapidly than I thought...