100 x 100 puzzle

Post puzzles for others to solve here.

Postby m_b_metcalf » Tue May 30, 2006 9:07 pm

tso wrote:Here's another one. It's in Java -- you can solve it online.

Thanks for the link. Thus spurred on, I'll attempt a 144 x 144. Watch this space.


Mike Mertcalf
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100x100 sudoku solved by anyone?

Postby beetjepeetje » Sun Jul 23, 2006 12:39 pm

Hi Mike,
When you're back from holidays, can yo tell me the 100x100 is solvable?
At the moment I'm still busy to solve this one, using a 20 level deep
search, but that seems not to be enough?
I'm sure a 12 level deep search is not enough ...! This takes only 20 secs
CPU, but 20 levels takes magnitudes more..

To the rest of the community:
Did anyone else solve this one already??

BTW: Your 144x144 sudoku posted later just takes me 1.2 secs to solve,
including readin and writeout.
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Here is another one - no 'normal sudoku?

Postby beetjepeetje » Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:34 am

this 100x100 java one
( http://puz.hp.infoseek.co.jp/nikki/number100.html ),
it does not what I expect it to do.
You can enter 21 on r1c1, while 21 is on r2c1 already
And on r2c8, you cannot enter 1 thru 9, so there is some rule behind it.
Is this not a sudoku with each number only once on every row or col??

1) So, what ARE the rules for such a sudoku?
2) Does this also explain why I cannot solve the 100x100 one by Mike Metcalf?
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Re: 100x100 sudoku solved by anyone?

Postby gsf » Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:22 pm

beetjepeetje wrote:Hi Mike,
To the rest of the community:
Did anyone else solve this one already??

solved 1 solution 2.2sec on 3.2Ghz p4
beetjepeetje wrote:BTW: Your 144x144 sudoku posted later just takes me 1.2 secs to solve,
including readin and writeout.

1.02sec on 3.2Ghz p4

a top level forward check solved both of these -- no search required
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Postby udosuk » Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:46 pm

I wonder how long it'd take you guys to solve my two 8-clue 9x9 puzzles in here...

(The 2nd one is probably a blitz... But what about the 1st one...:?: )
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